College and Career Readiness Programs

Finish high school. Get job training and work experience. Learn English. Enhance your independent living skills. Whatever your goal, your success is our priority.

The College and Career Readiness (CCR) department provides academic, job readiness, and college-prep opportunities for students to explore, choose, and move successfully toward or into the career or college/training program of their choice. The CCR staff and faculty are committed to helping students develop the vital knowledge and skills required for future success in additional education or employment. Students are encouraged and supported in developing an individual career path to help them track their educational and career development progress.

To ensure a successful transition into a post-secondary education institution or the workforce, CCR faculty and staff guide students through an assortment of CCR courses, including college and career-focused programs, high school completion, English as a Second Language, and special learning needs. Career awareness and work-related skills are integrated into all instruction to help students see the relevancy and application of their learning.

Adult High School Diploma
English Classes (ESL)
High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing
High School Equivalency (HSE) Instruction including Adult Basic Education classes (ABE)
Independence and Literacy Education for Adults with Disabilities (I-LEAD)

Career Development, Training, and Scholarship Programs
Accelerated Career Training (ACT)
Career Development
NCWorks NextGen