
Affordable and Assistive Technology

  • Affordable Technology, including laptops, internet, and software downloads, may be available to Central Piedmont students.
  • Assistive Technology is available for Central Piedmont students with disabilities through Disability and Access Services and at the campus libraries.
  • Borrow calculators, laptops, books, and media from Central Piedmont libraries using your ID card.
  • Central Piedmont has open computer labs for all students to use on each campus through the student technology centers, libraries, and student services support labs. 
  • Printing and copying services are available for students at Central Piedmont campuses.

Mobile Technology

  • Central Piedmont Cloud helps students use Central Piedmont applications on their own devices.
  • The Brightspace Pulse mobile app helps students stay connected and on track with their Brightspace courses.
  • The wireless network lets students on any campus connect to Central Piedmont technology.

Technology Help