Courses / Course Registration

Regardless of where students are on their academic path, Central Piedmont has the resources needed to help them find success.
Career & College Promise Courses During High School
Qualified students of high school age in North Carolina have the opportunity to complete college-level credits, tuition-free, while they are in high school, allowing them to get a jump-start on their workplace and college preparation.
College and Career Readiness Courses
The College and Career Readiness department at Central Piedmont takes a student-focused approach to help students develop vital academic and work readiness skills needed to transition to college-level coursework or seek employment. Classes range from English as a Second Language to High School Equivalency Preparation, Adult High School, and Pathways to Careers.
Developmental Courses
Developmental studies are prerequisite and co-requisite courses for students who require additional support in college-level English, reading, and mathematics courses. Initial student placement in developmental courses is based on individual college placement policies and procedures. Students should begin developmental coursework at the appropriate level indicated by their placement.
College-Level Curriculum Courses
Central Piedmont has developed a variety of affordable, two-year degrees and online learning programs that respond to the local workforce's immediate needs, including the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math.
Corporate and Continuing Education Courses
Students can choose from hundreds of non-degree courses and programs at Central Piedmont. Whether someone wants to learn new job skills, enhance workforce competitiveness in the marketplace or explore a new hobby in a personal enrichment class, Corporate and Continuing Education courses are the solution.