Career Resources

Central Piedmont provides a comprehensive set of resources to help students and community members reach their career goals.
For Central Piedmont Curriculum Students and Alumni
Career Services
Whether a student is just starting their college journey or about to graduate, Career Services is here to provide career support that looks at the whole person, focusing on three distinct areas:
• Helping students select their career or program of study
• Assisting students and alumni with job search strategies
• Connecting students and alumni to employers
Workplace Learning Programs
An essential part of finding employment after graduation is getting experience while you are in classes. Workplace Learning has information about gaining experience through internships (paid and unpaid), work-based learning classes (earning class credit), and apprenticeships (jobs paired with in-depth training at Central Piedmont).
For All Charlotte Community Members
Small Business Center
The Small Business Center supports entrepreneurship, small business training, and economic development through innovative continuing education programs to help entrepreneurs start a business, grow a business, or keep pace with the ever-changing small business environment. Services are open to the Charlotte community.
Job and Career Enhancement Courses (Non-credit)
Corporate and Continuing Education offers courses and programs year-round. It is for adults who want to strengthen job skills, change careers, and become more competitive in the job market. These courses are open enrollment and delivered in various formats and in multiple locations. The training is often short-term, industry-based, and focused on real-world applied skills and certifications.
College and Career Readiness Courses
Whether the goal is to attain a high school credential, take courses in English as a Second Language, gain first work experiences, or upgrade skills, College and Career Readiness courses combine job skills with career support and assistance. Visit the College and Career Readiness website to see all programs to help jump-start a career.