Interpreter Preparation (IPP)


IPP 111. Introduction to Interpretation. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course provides an orientation to the field of interpreting, interpretation models, cognitive processes associated with interpretation, professional ethical standards, employment opportunities, and working conditions. Topics include specialized jargon, code of ethics, theories, interpreter assessments/qualifications, and protocol associated with various settings. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the rationale for placement of interpreters and apply ethical standards to a variety of working situations.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take ENG 111, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

IPP 112. Comparative Cultures. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces various cultural attributes and how they impact the consumers and the interpreting process. Topics include value systems of deaf and non-deaf individuals, enculturation stages, sociolinguistic continuum of language use within the deaf community, and cross-cultural management. Upon completion, students should be able to compare deaf and non-deaf cultures and discuss how attitudes impact communication interactions and interpreting.

Prerequisites: Take IPP 111, minimum grade of C

IPP 130. Analytical Skills for Interpreting. 3.0 Credits. Class-1.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-4.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to improve cognitive processes associated with interpreting, listening, short-term memory, semantic equivalence, visual/auditory processing, thought organization, and logic. Emphasis is placed on developing skills necessary to generate equivalent messages between ASL and English. Upon completion, students should be able to consecutively interpret non-technical, interactive messages between ASL and English.

Prerequisites: Take ASL 211, minimum grade of C

IPP 152. ASL/English Translation. 3.0 Credits. Class-1.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-4.0. Work-0.0

This course provides a study of the component parts of a cultural scheme and the manner in which ASL and English differ. Emphasis is placed on analyzing, discussing, and translating basic ASL and English texts. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss and apply techniques of cross-cultural communication and translation between deaf and non-deaf communities.

Prerequisites: Take ASL 112

IPP 153. Introduction to Discourse Analysis. 3.0 Credits. Class-1.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-4.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces discourse types and functions and specialized vocabulary and examines the specific nature of ASL discourse. Emphasis is placed on applying and practicing a model of analysis utilizing specialized vocabulary. Upon completion, students should be able to utilize specialized vocabulary and demonstrate ASL discourse features.

Prerequisites: Take ASL 212 IPP 111, minimum grade of C; Passing ASLPI score

IPP 161. Consecutive Interpreting. 5.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-6.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the process of ASL/English consecutive interpreting in a variety of interview, meeting, and small conference settings. Emphasis is placed on generating equivalent messages between ASL and English. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss and apply the principles of the protocol of consecutive interpreting.

Prerequisites: Take IPP 152, minimum grade of C

IPP 221. Simultaneous Interpreting I. 5.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-6.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces simultaneous ASL/English interpreting through a variety of expository texts originating in group, meeting, and conference settings. Emphasis is placed on analyzing expository texts, identifying registers, and applying principles of the protocol of interpreting. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the appropriate linguistic and/or cultural adjustments required to generate equivalent messages.

Prerequisites: Take IPP 161, minimum grade of C

IPP 222. Simultaneous Interpreting II. 5.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-6.0. Work-0.0

This course provides additional experience in interpreting a variety of situations which occur during basic expository presentations. Emphasis is placed on interpreting texts which serve an informational, hortatory, and/or procedural function. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the appropriate linguistic and cultural adjustments necessary to achieve an equivalent register in the interpretation.

Prerequisites: Take IPP 221 IPP 240, minimum grade of C

IPP 224. ASL to English Interpretation. 2.0 Credits. Class-1.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-3.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to improve skills in ASL to English interpretation. Emphasis is placed on receptive skills, equivalent messages, grammatically correct English, and appropriate content, mood, and register. Upon completion, students should be able to generate appropriate English equivalents and apply appropriate linguistic and/or cultural adjustments.

Prerequisites: Take IPP 152

IPP 240. Ethical Standards and Practices. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course develops intellectual and ethical decision-making abilities and considers common ethical dilemmas that arise within the interpreting process. Topics include a model of ethical/intellectual development and the application of the model to interpreting practices. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss ethical resolution to various case studies and apply recognized principles of professional behavior to the interpreting process.

Corequisites: Take IPP 221

IPP 245. Educational Interpreting Issues. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course provides an overview of educational interpreting in the US and discusses recent trends in the education of deaf students. Topics include history of deaf education, current employment practices and requirements for educational interpreters. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss current issues, become familiar with evaluation practices, and apply professional/ethical standards to the interpreting role.

Prerequisites: Take ASL 212 IPP 111, minimum grade of C