Criminal Justice (CJC)


CJC 110. Basic Law Enforcement BLET. 20.0 Credits. Class-10.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-30.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the basic skills and knowledge needed for entry-level employment as a law enforcement officer in North Carolina. Topics include those mandated by North Carolina Administration Code as essential for functioning in law enforcement. Upon completion, the student should be able to demonstrate competence in the topics required for the state comprehensive certification examination.

CJC 111. Introduction to Criminal Justice. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the components and processes of the criminal justice system. Topics include history, structure, functions, and philosophy of the criminal justice system and their relationship to life in our society. Upon completion, students should be able to define and describe the major system components and their interrelationships and evaluate career options.

CJC 112. Criminology. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces deviant behavior as it relates to criminal activity. Topics include theories of crime causation; statistical analysis of criminal behavior; past, present, and future social control initiatives; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain and discuss various theories of crime causation and societal response.

CJC 113. Juvenile Justice. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the juvenile justice system and related juvenile issues. Topics include an overview of the juvenile justice system, treatment and prevention programs, special areas and laws unique to juveniles, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss juvenile court structure/procedures, function and jurisdiction of juvenile agencies, processing/detention of juveniles, and case disposition.

CJC 114. Investigative Photography. 2.0 Credits. Class-1.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-2.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the operation of digital photographic equipment and its application to criminal justice. Topics include the use of digital cameras, storage of digital images, the retrieval of digital images and preparation of digital images as evidence. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate and explain the role and use of digital photography, image storage and retrieval in criminal investigations.

CJC 120. Interviews/Interrogations. 2.0 Credits. Class-1.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-2.0. Work-0.0

This course covers basic and special techniques employed in criminal justice interviews and interrogations. Emphasis is placed on the interview/interrogation process, including interpretation of verbal and physical behavior and legal perspectives. Upon completion, students should be able to conduct interviews/interrogations in a legal, efficient, and professional manner and obtain the truth from suspects, witnesses, and victims.

CJC 121. Law Enforcement Operations. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces fundamental law enforcement operations. Topics include the contemporary evolution of law enforcement operations and related issues. Upon completion, students should be able to explain theories, practices, and issues related to law enforcement operations.

CJC 122. Community Policing. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the historical, philosophical, and practical dimensions of community policing. Emphasis is placed on the empowerment of police and the community to find solutions to problems by forming partnerships. Upon completion, students should be able to define community policing, describe how community policing strategies solve problems, and compare community policing to traditional policing.

CJC 131. Criminal Law. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the history/evolution/principles and contemporary applications of criminal law. Topics include sources of substantive law, classification of crimes, parties to crime, elements of crimes, matters of criminal responsibility, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss the sources of law and identify, interpret, and apply the appropriate statutes/elements.

CJC 132. Court Procedure & Evidence. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers judicial structure/process/procedure from incident to disposition, kinds and degrees of evidence, and the rules governing admissibility of evidence in court. Topics include consideration of state and federal courts, arrest, search and seizure laws, exclusionary and statutory rules of evidence, and other related issues. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss procedures necessary to establish a lawful arrest/search, proper judicial procedures, and the admissibility of evidence.

CJC 141. Corrections. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the history, major philosophies, components, and current practices and problems of the field of corrections. Topics include historical evolution, functions of the various components, alternatives to incarceration, treatment programs, inmate control, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the various components, processes, and functions of the correctional system.

CJC 144. Crime Scene Processing. 3.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-3.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the theories and practices of crime scene processing and investigating. Topics include legal considerations at the crime scene, processing indoor and outdoor scenes, recording, note taking, collection and preservation of evidence and submission to the crime laboratory. Upon completion, the student should be able to evaluate and search various crime scenes and demonstrate theapprpriate techniques.

CJC 146. Trace Evidence. 3.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-3.0. Work-0.0

This course provides a study of trace evidence as it relates to forensic science. Topics include collection, packaging, and preservation of trace evidence from crime scenes such as bombings, fires and other scenes. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the fundamental concepts of trace evidence collection, preservation and submission to the crime laboratory.

CJC 151. Introduction to Loss Prevention. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the concepts and methods related to commercial and private security systems. Topics include the historical, philosophical, and legal basis of security, with emphasis on security surveys, risk analysis, and associated functions. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate and understand security systems, risk management, and the laws relative to loss prevention.

CJC 152. Introduction to Security and Protective. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the various components, processes, and operational characteristics associated with private security and loss prevention services. Topics include armed/unarmed security guard/officer hiring criteria including licensing, job responsibilities, career pathways, professional conduct and communication, public relations, emergency procedures, law, first aide, legal issues and liability, workplace violence, patrol techniques, and the security industry. Upon completion, students should be able to evaluate career options and define and describe the major system components, processes, and operational characteristics associated with the private security industry.

CJC 153. Private Security Operations. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the various operations associated with private security and loss prevention services. Topics include strategies for protecting individuals and company assets, report writing, interview techniques, crime and accident prevention, courtroom procedures, observation techniques, traffic direction, surveillance, substance abuse, law enforcement relationships, and emergency procedures. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the various operational characteristics common to the private security industry.

CJC 154. Private Security Business. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the business and managerial aspects specific to private security and loss prevention services. Topics include profitability, personnel management, finances, rules, policies, and law, organizational structure, sales management, and issues specific to private security and loss prevention services. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the basic characteristics required of an effective private security and loss prevention services business.

CJC 160. Terrorism: Underlying Issues. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course identifies the fundamental reasons why America is a target for terrorists, covering various domestic/international terrorist groups and ideologies from a historical aspect. Emphasis is placed upon recognition of terrorist crime scene; weapons of mass destruction; chemical, biological, and nuclear terrorism; and planning considerations involving threat assessments. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss the methods used in terrorists' activities and complete a threat assessment for terrorists' incidents.

CJC 161. Introduction to Homeland Security. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the historical, organizational and practical aspects of Homeland Security. Topics include a historic overview, definitions and concepts, organizational structure, communications, technology, mitigation, prevention and preparedness, response and recovery, and the future of Homeland Security. Upon completion, students should be able to explain essential characteristics of terrorism and Homeland Security, and define roles, functions and interdependency between agencies.

CJC 162. Intelligence Analysis and Security Management. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course examines intelligence analysis and its relationship to the security management of terrorist attacks and other threats to national security of the United States. Topics include a historic overview, definitions and concepts, intelligence evolution-politicization-operations-strategies, surveillance, analysis perspectives, covert action, and ethics. Upon completion, students should be able to outline intelligence policies, evaluate source information, implement intelligence techniques and analysis, identify threats, and apply ethical behaviors.

CJC 163. Transportation and Border Security. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course provides an in-depth view of modern border and transportation security including the technologies used for detecting potential threats from terrorists and weapons. Topics include an overview of security challenges, detection devices and equipment, transportation systems, facilities, threats and counter-measures, and security procedures, policies and agencies. Upon completion, students should be able to describe border security, the technologies used to enforce it, and the considerations and strategies of border security agencies.

CJC 170. Critical Incident Management for Public Safety. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course prepares the student to specialize in the direct response, operations, and management of critical incidents. Emphasis is placed upon the theoretical and applied models to understand and manage disasters, terrorism, and school/work place violence. Upon completion, the student should be able to identify and discuss managerial techniques legal issues, and response procedures to critical incidents.

CJC 211. Counseling. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the basic elements of counseling and specific techniques applicable to the criminal justice setting. Topics include observation, listening, recording, interviewing, and problem exploration necessary to form effective helping relationships. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss and demonstrate the basic techniques of counseling.

CJC 212. Ethics & Community Relations. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers ethical considerations and accepted standards applicable to criminal justice organizations and professionals. Topics include ethical systems; social change, values, and norms; cultural diversity; citizen involvement in criminal justice issues; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to apply ethical considerations to the decision-making process in identifiable criminal justice situations.

CJC 213. Substance Abuse. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course is a study of substance abuse in our society. Topics include the history and classifications of drug abuse and the social, physical, and psychological impact of drug abuse. Upon completion, students should be able to identify various types of drugs, their effects on human behavior and society, and treatment modalities.

CJC 214. Victimology. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the study of victims. Emphasis is placed on roles/characteristics of victims, victim interaction with the criminal justice system and society, current victim assistance programs, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss and identify victims, the uniqueness of victims' roles, and current victim assistance programs.

CJC 215. Organization & Administration. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the components and functions of organization and administration as it applies to the agencies of the criminal justice system. Topics include operations/functions of organizations; recruiting, training, and retention of personnel; funding and budgeting; communications; span of control and discretion; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss the basic components and functions of a criminal justice organization and its administrative operations.

CJC 221. Investigative Principles. 4.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-2.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the theories and fundamentals of the investigative process. Topics include crime scene/incident processing, information gathering techniques, collection/preservation of evidence, preparation of appropriate reports, court presentations, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify, explain, and demonstrate the techniques of the investigative process, report preparation, and courtroom presentation.

CJC 222. Criminalistics. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the functions of the forensic laboratory and its relationship to successful criminal investigations and prosecutions. Topics include advanced crime scene processing, investigative techniques, current forensic technologies, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and collect relevant evidence at simulated crime scenes and request appropriate laboratory analysis of submitted evidence.

CJC 223. Organized Crime. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the evolution of traditional and non-traditional organized crime and its effect on society and the criminal justice system. Topics include identifying individuals and groups involved in organized crime, areas of criminal activity, legal and political responses to organized crime, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the groups and activities involved in organized crime and the responses of the criminal justice system.

CJC 225. Crisis Intervention. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces critical incident intervention and management techniques as they apply to operational criminal justice practitioners. Emphasis is placed on the victim/offender situation as well as job-related high stress, dangerous, or problem-solving citizen contacts. Upon completion, students should be able to provide insightful analysis of emotional, violent, drug-induced, and other critical and/or stressful incidents that require field analysis and/or resolution.

CJC 231. Constitutional Law. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

The course covers the impact of the Constitution of the United States and its amendments on the criminal justice system. Topics include the structure of the Constitution and its amendments, court decisions pertinent to contemporary criminal justice issues, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss the basic structure of the United States Constitution and the rights/procedures as interpreted by the courts.

CJC 232. Civil Liability. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers liability issues for the criminal justice professional. Topics include civil rights violations, tort liability, employment issues, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain civil trial procedures and discuss contemporary liability issues.

CJC 233. Correctional Law. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces statutory/case law pertinent to correctional concepts, facilities, and related practices. Topics include examination of major legal issues encompassing incarceration, probation, parole, restitution, pardon, restoration of rights, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss legal issues which directly affect correctional systems and personnel.

CJC 240. Law Enforcement Management & Supervision. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course provides a study of the best known methods and practices of police leadership and management. Topics include the role of the manager in law enforcement, communications, time-management in law enforcement, managing problems, training and law enforcement productivity. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss methods and practices capable of moving law enforcement agencies forward into the twenty-first century.

CJC 241. Community-Based Corrections. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers programs for convicted offenders that are used both as alternatives to incarceration and in post-incarceration situations. Topics include offenders, diversion, house arrest, restitution, community service, probation and parole, including both public and private participation, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss the various programs from the perspective of the criminal justice professional, the offender, and the community.

CJC 245. Friction Ridge Analysis. 3.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-3.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the basic elements of fingerprint technology and techniques applicable to the criminal justice field. Topics include the history and meaning of fingerprints, pattern types and classification filing sequence, searching and referencing. Upon completion, the students should be able to discuss and demonstrate the fundamental techniques of basic fingerprint technology.

CJC 246. Advanced Friction Ridge Analysis. 3.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-3.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the theories and processes of advanced friction ridge analysis. Topics include evaluation of friction ridges, chart preparation, comparative analysis for values determination rendering proper identification, chemical enhancement and AFIS preparation and usage. Upon completion, students must show an understanding of proper procedures for friction ridge analysis through written testing and practical exercises.

Prerequisites: Take CJC 245

CJC 255. Issues in Criminal Justice Application. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course provides an opportunity to exhibit interpersonal and technical skills required for application of criminal justice concepts in contemporary practical situations. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking and integration of theory and practical skills components. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge required of any entry-level law enforcement officer.

Prerequisites: Take all: CJC 111, CJC 221, and CJC 231

CJC 264. Policing in the 21st Century. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to examine the issues and challenges facing law enforcement today through the study of real-world scenarios. Topics include professionalism, leadership, communication, diversity, and community relationships. Upon completion, students should be able to exhibit leadership abilities, demonstrate the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication, and display the professionalism and decorum required of public safety personnel.