Marketing and Retailing (MKT)

MKT 120. Principles of Marketing. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces principles and problems of marketing goods and services. Topics include promotion, placement, and pricing strategies for products. Upon completion, students should be able to apply marketing principles in organizational decision making.

MKT 121. Retailing. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course examines the role of retailing in the economy. Topics include the development of present retail structure, functions performed, effective operations, and managerial problems resulting from current economic and social trends. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of retailing.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 122. Visual Merchandising. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces basic layout design and commercial display in retail and service organizations. Topics include an analysis of display as a visual merchandising medium and an examination of the principles and applications of display and design. Upon completion, students should be able to plan, build, and evaluate designs and displays.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 123. Fundamentals of Selling. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to emphasize the necessity of selling skills in a modern business environment. Emphasis is placed on sales techniques involved in various types of selling situations. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the techniques covered.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 220. Advertising and Sales Promotion. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the elements of advertising and sales promotion in the business environment. Topics include advertising and sales promotion appeals, selection of media, use of advertising and sales promotion as a marketing tool, and means of testing effectiveness. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts covered through application.

MKT 221. Consumer Behavior. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to describe consumer behavior as applied to the exchange processes involved in acquiring, consuming, and disposing of goods and services. Topics include an analysis of basic and environmental determinants of consumer behavior with emphasis on the decision-making process. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze concepts related to the study of the individual consumer.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 223. Customer Service. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course stresses the importance of customer relations in the business world. Emphasis is placed on learning how to respond to complex customer requirements and to efficiently handle stressful situations. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to handle customer relations. Students should also be able to effectively build rapport with customers to identify product needs and bridge those needs to available products and services.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 224. International Marketing. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the basic concepts of international marketing activity and theory. Topics include product promotion, placement, and pricing strategies in the international marketing environment. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the concepts covered.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 225. Marketing Research. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course provides information for decision making by providing guidance in developing, analyzing, and using data. Emphasis is placed on marketing research as a tool in decision making. Upon completion, students should be able to design and conduct a marketing research project and interpret the results.

Prerequisites: Take MKT 120

MKT 227. Marketing Applications. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course extends the study of diverse marketing strategies. Emphasis is placed on case studies and small-group projects involving research or planning. Upon completion, students should be able to effectively participate in the formulation of a marketing strategy.

Prerequisites: Take MKT 120, minimum grade of C

MKT 228. Service Marketing. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to define service marketing, demonstrate its importance, and note its special characteristics. Topics include basic building blocks of service marketing, distinctive aspects of services, and applications of service marketing mix. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the marketing mix as it applies to the service industry.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 229. Special Events Production. 2.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the different objectives of various special events and the procedures and elements necessary for successful promotional activity. Emphasis is placed on planning, budgeting, promoting, and coordinating activities. Upon completion, students should be able to utilize the elements studied in the production of special events.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 230. Public Relations. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces public relations as it affects communications, strategic planning, and management of the organization. Topics include basic principles and functions of management that guide public relations activities as applied to businesses, services, institutions, and associations. Upon completion, students should be able to perform the communications, evaluation, planning, and research activities of the public relations professional.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 113 or ENG 114, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 232. Social Media Marketing. 3.0 Credits. Class-2.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-2.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to build students' social media marketing skills by utilizing projects that give students hands on experience implementing social media marketing strategies. Topics include integrating different social media technologies into a marketing plan, creating social media marketing campaigns, and applying appropriate social media tools. Upon completion, students should be able to use social media technologies to create and improve marketing efforts for businesses.

MKT 232AB. Social Media Marketing. 2.0 Credits. Class-1.5. Clinical-0.0. Lab-1.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to build students' social media marketing skills by utilizing projects that give students hands on experience implementing social media marketing strategies. Topics include integrating different social media technologies into a marketing plan, creating social media marketing campaigns, and applying appropriate social media tools. Upon completion, students should be able to use social media technologies to create and improve marketing efforts for businesses.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002

MKT 232BB. Social Media Marketing. 2.0 Credits. Class-1.5. Clinical-0.0. Lab-1.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to build students' social media marketing skills by utilizing projects that give students hands on experience implementing social media marketing strategies. Topics include integrating different social media technologies into a marketing plan, creating social media marketing campaigns, and applying appropriate social media tools. Upon completion, students should be able to use social media technologies to create and improve marketing efforts for businesses.

Prerequisites: Take 1 group: Take DRE 097 or DRE 098; Take EFL 111 EFL 112, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 111, minimum grade of C; Take ENG 002
Corequisites: Take MKT 232AB