Developmental Disabilities (DDT)

DDT 110. Developmental Disabilities. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course identifies the characteristics and causes of various disabilities. Topics include history of service provision, human rights, legislation and litigation, advocacy, and accessing support services. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of current and historical developmental disability definitions and support systems used throughout the life span.

DDT 120. Teaching Developmental Disabled. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers teaching modalities which enhance learning among people with developmental disabilities. Topics include assessment, support strategies, writing behavioral strategies, teaching methods, and documentation. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in individual program plan development and implementation. DDT 120 is a requirement of the Developmental Disabilities concentration in the Human Services Technology program.

Prerequisites: Take DDT 110

DDT 210. DDT Health Issues. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the health and medical aspects of assisting people with developmental disabilities. Topics include universal precautions, medication, wellness, nutrition, human sexuality, and accessing medical services. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and implement strategies to promote wellness and manage chronic health conditions. DDT 210 is a requirement of the Developmental Disabilities concentration in the Human Services Technology program.

Prerequisites: Take DDT 110

DDT 220. Program Planning Process. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course covers the individual program planning process used in services for people with developmental disabilities. Topics include basic components and benefits of the process, the effect of values on outcomes, and group problem-solving methods. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of effective group process in program planning and the individual roles of team members. DDT 220 is a requirement of the Developmental Disabilities concentration in the Human Services Technology program.

DDT 230. Supported Employment. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course introduces the concept of supported employment and the action steps needed to assist individuals with disabilities to participate in the world of work. Topics include a history of vocational services, supported employment values, organizational marketing, consumer assessment, job development, employment selection, job site training and long term supports. Upon completion, students should be able to develop a customer profile, a marketing plan, and assist individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain employment.

DDT 240. Aging Lifelong Disability. 3.0 Credits. Class-3.0. Clinical-0.0. Lab-0.0. Work-0.0

This course is designed to address issues facing individuals with developmental disabilities who are aging. Emphasis is placed on techniques to develop coalitions between the aging network and service providers, health and wellness strategies, later life planning, and community inclusion. Upon completion, students should be able to identify formal and informal supports and strategies for community inclusion for adults aging with lifelong disabilities.

Prerequisites: Take DDT 110